Monday, September 15, 2008

seeking but not finding

In class today we used the situation with Emeth and his "salvation" and also talked about how it may represent people in our world who serve Gods other than the God of the Bible, or even people who have never had the opportunity to hear of the God of the Bible or His Son Jesus. I wonder if we arent being too hasty in making these comparisons. Aslan says "we are opposites...I and he are such different kinds that no servicewhich is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him" (LB chpt 15 pg 575). If Aslan represents Christ, the only thing that is the complete opposite of Christ is Satan. Is Allah the opposite of Christ? He certainly is not exactly the same, but he is also far from the opposite. Muslims believe that Allah is good, sovereign and compassionate. These are obvious similarities to the God of the Bible. But Emeth wasn't serving just another god, he was serving the antithesis of good. If Tash was just another name for Aslan, i would buy this whole salvation bit, but he's not. Tash exists and he is direct opposition to Aslan. I think by serving a god, we come to know more about that god. If it is a false god, we will remain unfulfilled. If we were seeking good and the god we were serving was evil, we would also remain unfulfilled. Even though Emeth was deceived by his society, how could he see Tash as good if he wasn't? Emeth heard lies about Aslan, yet if he really were seeking truth and goodness, don't you think he would have explored more about Aslan? To me, his belief in Tash shows mindless acceptance of "doctrines", not earnest seeking of truth. It just doesn't make sense to me.

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