Friday, November 14, 2008

Almost Like Looking in a Mirror

When I was reading about Orule, I couldn’t help but think of how selfish she was being with Psyche. Since it was written from Oruel’s point of view she expressed it as loving, but it didn’t seem that way to me. That is also probably how it was intended for readers to take it. Orule being selfish and not knowing it seemed how her story should be taken. When you start getting closer to the end of the book you find out more of Orule’s selfishness with the Fox and Bardia. Reading all this really made me think. Orule could be a reflection of us. Now we may not have done some of the things that she did to the extent that she did them, but we may often do actions that we justify as being loving or caring. In reality these actions are no less selfish than Orule’s. I thought that it may be quite likely that all of us have a little bit more in common with Orule than we would care to admit.

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