Friday, November 14, 2008

Orual, Psyche, me, God

We have been talking about need love for a while now in class, and what I‘ve been wrestling with is, is my love for God need love?
I feel as though I need God to love me. I need God to feel as though I am important and special to God. (Mind you that because God is really big I am more then comfortable with sharing, because there is enough God love to go around I’m sure.)
Throughout my life I have been told that I should define myself by God and God’s love. So if I have accomplished this then aren’t I much like Orual with God as my Psyche? And is it not that love that almost destroyed Orual and Psyche?
But is it ok because I am more then willing to share God with everyone else? Unlike Orual to Cupid? Is it ok because God is big enough to fill all my needs? Or were all the people who told me to define myself by God’s love wrong? Should I define myself by whom I am? (Not that I know who I am anymore without God.) So should I separate myself from God and then give gift love to Him?
My only conclusion, I don’t know.

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