Monday, November 3, 2008

Why would I want to Suffer?

So all the while that we were in class discussing the problem of pain we kept coming back to this idea that we suffer because God loves us. This idea has stuck with me, but not in a good idea, I’ve been sitting here pondering this, as to why it bugs me. And it finally dawned on me; my problem is that why then would I want God’s love? If we suffer because God loves us, then why would we not want to do anything we could do get God to despise us if God’s love leads to suffering, and God’s unlike of us would lead to us being left alone?
Now some of you may say but God would know, and God would love you only if He knew you weren’t going to curse Him. But this theology that God’s love leads to suffering, I don’t think that uplifts the Christian. I think it is a stumbling block in itself to say this because then if I believe that the suffering is too great, too much for me to handle, then why would I not curse God? This idea from a theological perspective has no value in showing us what God is like or how we should deal with Him. I mean not in any positive way.
Should we when we suffer praise God for His large amounts of love? Should we think that the more we suffer the more we are blessed? How would this idea help to bring us closer to God? And if it does not bring us closer to God, then how does this bring us better understanding of Him? And if it does none of the above then why should we add this to our theology or thoughts toward life or God?
Mind you I do admit that not all truths about life or God bring us closer to Him, but still could be true. Maybe like the virgin birth of Jesus, this doesn’t affect one’s everyday life, but this one is different. This idea of suffering can do harm to one’s relationship with God, because we as humans by our nature hate that which leads us to suffer. So I have decided after pondering this idea, that while it may be true, it contains no Truth, that will bring us closer to God, and so should be not dwelled on, as it can most likely bring us only farther from God, not closer.


Ashley said...

I disagree with you. I don't think the class came to the consensus of "we suffer because God loves us" I know we addressed "we suffer" and "God loves us" but I don't think we concluded that they were a cause and effect relationship- if I am incorrect, forgive me, I may have zoned out during that part.

Do we as humans really hate that which makes us suffer? I am in physical pain sometimes because I have injured my back. Do I hate myself because I have caused my self injury? NO, I don't like to be in pain, but I still love my clumsy self. God calls my loved ones home to him...and I suffer my loss, but that does not cause me to hate God. Do I hate you because you say things that cause my brain to suffer? No, I just lovingly and respectfully disagree with you. Hate is not the opposite of love. They are two equal but different powerful forces.

To say "I do admit that not all truths about life or God bring us closer to Him, but still could be true. Maybe like the virgin birth of Jesus, this doesn’t affect one’s everyday life, but this one is different." is seemingly heretical. Any truth that is absolutely true HAS to lead us closer to God BECAUSE he IS truth. Just by the way, Virgin Birth of Jesus should affect your everday life....This means Mary was set apart by God, as someone special- one who lived the way God wants us too. The fact that Jesus was conceived of God the Father and not of man makes the story of Jesus' life much more powerful. Virgin Birth? Impossible- for us as humans, but for God- all THINGS are possible.

Just throwing together what I've learned from class....

rascal said...

I agree with ashley. I know that it was just writing for class but I salute you on a well put together zinger in paragraph two.