Friday, October 3, 2008

All things pass with time.

I'm curious to know what everyone thinks about sin and time. In our age, it is believed that in time we are absolved of our sins. I don't know if I believe that it is time that absolves a person of their sin. I can see that forgiveness from one person to another becomes easier with time, but does that absolve someone of their sin? Can a sin be between a person and person or is it only between the person and God? I know that we can't forgive them of all their sins, but do we have some power to bestow grace upon them, which earns them favor with God. Because of our forgiveness can we lighten the degree of their sin? Some people believe that sin is sin. There is no degree of sin. One sin is as deep as all the others. I am filled with so many questions that I should stop now and start more blogs instead of writing it all in one place.

Getting back to the idea of time and sin. I mentioned in class the idea that we aren't the same person we were 1 year ago or even 1 month ago. Can we still be held responsible for the sins that we have committed in those times? I believe that we can. We may be given grace, but we still need to hold responsibility of our sins. Yes, feel the grace of God, be forgiven, but remember your sins. Do not let them weigh your mind to the extent that you can not forgive yourself, but only remember the lessons from your sins. Let them be a teacher to make you better. Well, I shall leave it at this for now. Good day and Good luck.


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