Friday, October 3, 2008

I have not ever really had to think about kindness in the way we have been talking about with Lewis. So often, we mistake kindness with niceness. Niceness is likability, but kindness goes much deeper. To me, honesty is necessary for kindness. Honesty with ourselves requires us to get out of our comfort zone, be vulnerable, and allow hurts to affect us. It is rare for me to experience this kind of honesty because, as most humans, I do not want to admit my faults. It is uncomfortable to be weak and dependent on something else without my guard up. Niceness does not need any of this for it to be effective. Nice relationships are nice, loving, and caring. However, do they deeply care about the situations and hurts we are going through? Maybe they do, maybe not. Kindness to me is true love. True love is being honest with ourselves, with others, and with God. The truest love is a love that gives what is best for the person, not necessarily what that person wants. With God, I know that what He wills is what is best and what is best is not always what we want. His love is the truest, purest love there is. With that love, this honest kindness comes hand in hand and we cannot separate the two.

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