Friday, October 17, 2008

Thinking About Things That We'll Never Understand

It seems funny to me that we dedicate so much thought and effort to the art of thinking, especially to thinking about things we'll never understand. I point to myself just as much as anyone on this point. Lately I've been struggling with the point of it all. For example, I've dedicated a lot of thought to the subject of time. How it works, where we fit in, the difference between God's time and ours, etc. But it occurs to me that no matter what conclusion I come to, it doesn't matter because there's no way to know for sure how it works, nor would it matter if we did! So again I say, what's the point?!
And in class today we were talking about heaven and hell and what they're like and what we're gonna do and all that stuff. And I think it's ok to think about stuff that we'll never have an answer for. (Heck, I do it all the time!) But when I think about the debate between Creation vs. Evolution (I get asked about it whenever anyone finds out I'm a biology major), my answer has always been, "I believe that God created the world. Simple as that. I don't care how, I don't care when, I don't care why, because there's no way for us to ever know any of those things for sure so why waste so much time and effort and money on wondering?"
But this disagrees with why I'm ok with dedicating so much time and effort into thinking about heaven and hell or time and space or God and Satan, or life and death. So should I care more about creation vs evolution, or care less about time and space? Why do we "philosophize" at all?
Or... is that another thing we'll never understand?

1 comment:

Eugene said...

Maybe we philosophy because it isn't always about if our answer is right or wrong, maybe it is that we are thinking about it. I know it is hard for people to do something when they know that they will never know if they are right or wrong, but even if we aren't right, maybe some good will come of it.
I don't believe that philosophy is pointless or even asking unanswerable questions is pointless. Whether we are right or wrong doesn't matter, it is just that we are trying. Especially if we can come together with open minds and work towards the greater good. Also, we don't have the answers yet, someday we will. Maybe it's worth trying and working on something and disciplining ourselves in some sort of fashion with these questions and searching for our answers and being able to change our beliefs too. I hope this made some sort of sense.