Friday, October 31, 2008

Does Need-love come from sin?

During our discussion today, I had a question that’s a little random (which is why I didn’t know whether or not to bring it up), so I thought I’d put it out there here. If I don’t get any comments, I’ll probably ask it in class anyway because I’m really curious about what you guys think.

So my question has to do with Need-love and Adam and Eve. In the end of The Four Loves, Lewis mentions that Need-loves “have no resemblance to the Love which God is.” (p.127) But then why did He create the female human? In the Genesis story, the account goes that God created Eve when He saw that Adam needed a companion. (I know there’s a couple creation variations, but as far as I know this is in at least one of them.) This, to me, demonstrates Need-love. Adam needed another person. However, if God is all we need (as most Christians would assert), then how can this be? And this was before the fall, so sin shouldn’t have factored in yet; we can’t argue that Adam was only human so he could need things he shouldn’t.

Need-love is one that God doesn’t seem to have, even according to Lewis, so it seems like it’s a twisted version of God’s love. And that sounds worse than I mean it because it gives the feeling that humans did it on purpose which I don’t think is the case. But if Need-love is something that God doesn’t have, then it follows (for me, at least) that humans only have it because we’re separated from Him. But that doesn’t make sense if Adam had it before sin even became a factor.

Or maybe we only have Need-love because we’re less than God. That would be true with or without sin so maybe that takes care of all these problems? But then, if we’re made perfect eventually, and this is considered a restoration to our true form, and God is all we need…it still goes back to the seemingly imperfect fact that we need other humans, too.

I’m sorry if this circular thinking came out confusing. I’m still trying to wrap my head around my own question, so feel free to leave comments that just ask more questions about what I’m even trying to ask. :) Thanks!

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