Friday, October 31, 2008

The Naked Truth

It is Halloween, the time of the year when children get the opportunity to be, goblins, Gabriella, football players, and small dutch children for one night. What a fantastic time. Why not pretend to be someone else for a night, you have to where regular clothes the rest of the year, and be yourself every day. Is that true? that clothes define who you are? In the case of Halloween I'm sure that we can all agree that the answer is no. ( Unless you lack spirit) But I don't think that clothes define who someone is. I could be misinterpreting Lewis when I read that people are more themselves when they have clothes on. So does this mean if I wore a nascar shirt tomorrow that I am a nascar fan? Keep in mind I think Nascar is dumb. Or does it not have anything to do with the type of clothes you whear as long as you are covered.

I don't agree with either option, types of clothes don't define who someone is. As far as being covered, I don't think that it really maters that much. However, I will defend nakedness.

Lewis uses the word "Naking" I am sort of confused about it. He uses it in the context that Adam and Eve had to go thru the process of "naking" which I understand to be taking off clothes. But that simply isn't the case. God created people without clothes, and they were fine until they sinned. When they sinned they were ashamed, who wouldn't be they screwed up the only rule that the God of the universe provided to them. Were they ashamed of being naked? or just a little startled? I feel that maybe the whole being naked thing probably brought on some sexuall desires , which I think is where the whole being ashamed thing comes in, they didn't know it was wrong to feel that way before.

Flash forward a long long time, to the era of designer clothes, and hollewood. I think that being naked now is still a good thing, under the right cercumstance. Lewis uses the idea of the sence of community that takes place in a bath house. I can jive with this. It does bring around community, but it doesn't take away from self. I understand (I could be wrong) that Lewis thinks, that all the people in the bath house being naked takes away there individual identity. (all people are the same because every one looks similar) What I think Lewis is missing here is the sincear conversations you can have with someone when you are totally volnerable and open. Thats when you find out who people are, when they are open, and when you are open with them. Thats when you find the individual. Clothes make people feel secure, take that away and feel a little ashamed for awhile and pretty soon you feel comfertable. You actually gain self confidence because when people are taught that they need to cover themselves up all the time because being naked is bad, it makes them feel like whats under the clothes is no good.

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