Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The amazing Blog, no one will ever read.

I would like to right an amendment blog to one I have previously written. It turns out there was a section in Four Loves that I came across while writing my final paper that answers a question I posed about God and Need love, and it turns out Lewis was way ahead of me and I must say I agree with him.
He says of our need love for God, basically that we are foul weather fans, when we need God we cry out to Him, but the instant that our life gets back on track we leave the religiosity we had clung to and go back to our normal lives. I think this is true, and something we always seem to do, but Lewis points out, that the need for God never goes away, only our realization of it. How amazingly awesome was this man guys? He was totally right, as I sit here, pulling an all nighter to get this final paper to were I want it to be, and taking a “study break” to write this blog post, I’m thinking how can I refocus my life on how I need God today? Because it says so so so many times in the bible that God strength is shown through our weakness. I don’t have to be strong, I don’t have to know all the answers, I can just trust that God does, and there can be part of my need. Although if at this point He could grant me a little bit more energy that doesn’t come from a glass bottle that would be nice too.
So yeah there is a question I will take with me from this class, were do I need God today? Because, I should always recognize my need love for Him, because He is my Creator and my Lord. And all God’s people said Amen.

I love the quote “The Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be.” Totally priceless.

1 comment:

Eugene said...

It is interesting how we turn toward God more when we are in times of need. However, I don't see that to be the case all the time. There are many times when people turn to God for praise. We often pray not only in times of need, but also in times of great happiness. In much of the Bible there are times when people speak with God out of thanksgiving, though more times do seem to be when they are in need and have done wrong in the sight of the Lord. SO, yeah. That's my comment to the blog I shouldn't have read, cause now I made your blog title wrong. Have a merry Christmas.