Friday, December 12, 2008

This is it...

I just now realized that I am one blog short of eight, so here comes my last one! I want to talk about The Great Divorce again, so here goes.

In chapter 11, the narrator hears a conversation between a Ghost with the Lizard on his shoulder and the Angel. Eventually, the Angel destroys the Lizard and the Ghost is made solid and the Lizard turns into a horse.

The significance of this, I believe, is that the Ghost had to allow the Angel to intervene. This particular Ghost was rationalizing his sin (the Lizard) and refused to 'die' to his sin. That, afterall, is what hell is. When we live for ourselves and refuse to 'die to ourselves.' Obviously this person's sin was far too advanced, that he needed help. However, the Angel could not do all the work. The Ghost had to agree to it. As soon as the he uttered the words, the sin was removed. The Angel could not impose himself. God cannot impose his salvation over our lives before we surrender to it.

But at that moment we can be set free. When we die to ourselves, we are born again into a new and living hope, the hope of salvation and eternal life in the presence of God. It is never too late! Or is it? Some of the characters could not get on the bus. It was too late for them. They were too consumed by their own lives, that nothing else mattered. Some might say that no, there is a point where you are too far gone to come to Christ. I personally do not agree with that. Christ is always there for you to turn around to. So which is it? This Ghost made the right choice, but most didn't.

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