Friday, December 12, 2008

Lead Us Not

In Letter 31, Screwtape writes "How well I know what happened at the instant when they snatched him from you! There was a sudden clearing of his eyes (was there not?) as he saw you for the first time, and recognised the part you had in him and knew that you had it no longer." These sentences really made me think and reflect on my own life. Right before I die, will I see the demons that have been tempting and haunting me all my life? Will I fear them or will I be relieved? Will I be able to recognize them, or at least some of them, before my death? Do I really think there is a demon "assigned" to me that is always with me trying to make me do bad things? No, but I believe there are forces at work that are doing just that. Temptations come in all different shapes in sizes, from people to chocolate cake and everything in between. We pray the words "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." all the time, but how often do we stop to think about those words? We don't need extra help to sin, because we do that naturally. But to be good we do need help, help that can only come from God.

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