Friday, December 12, 2008

Thoughts on Screwtape

I have always thought about the invisible war that is going on around us. The Bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against prinicpalities and rulers of darkness. Books that I have read like Wild at Heart and This Present Darkness have fuled my minds curiosity about the spiritual war that cannot be seen but is felt within our hearts. I went in to reading Screwtape Letters with an eager expectation. Having read the book I feel like I understand the spiritual war better. Even if there is no way to really know. I feel that Lewis does a great job creating a likely scenario of how things really play out in that arena. I think Screwtape is a great book for all types of Christians. If we can strive to understand the demons (like Wormwood) and the stratagies they use to trip us up we can better understand whats going on inside and we can see those attacks coming before they hit. I also really appreciate how Lewis made a topic like this public. Call them out!! Show them for what they really are!!

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