Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Something to think about.

I have had the idea put on me about how hell can be a present state a lot lately. First in class with all of the different books with Lewis, from the Great Divorce, to problem of pain, to the hell on earth like state that Orule was in during Until We Have Faces, to Decent into Hell. It was just a very interesting something to think about and a sweet idea that Lewis introduced me too, then I listened to Rob bell give a sermon on Hell that I would like to share with you all because it is so cool with what we have been talking about it class.

The majority of the times "hell" is talked about in the bible is said by Jesus and referred to an actual place. In hell in Greek was Henna or Valley of Henna. This was a valley south of Jerusalem in a valley. Before Jesus it was used as a place of child sacrifice to the God Melech, this was later outlawed and the area began to be used as a dump. In the dump wild Dogs fought each other over food and squealed and bit each other, the people also always kept fire going in the valley in order to keep down the smell. This is where "fire that never goes out and weeping and gnashing of teeth comes from." (so interesting) So when Jesus was talking to the people of the time when he was talking about being cast in to the Henna he was talking about a place that could be identified with physically. The people knew what it was and what it was like there.

After listening to this sermon it kind of shed a new light on all of the ideas that we had covered in class about hell, it seamed to me that this idea was actually Biblical. I particularly liked the idea in the great divorce where what you want and what you do on earth becomes what you do later. So the more you lust over things and the more selfish you are the more you want those things in the after life. The life people live on earth becomes their own hell for eternity.

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