Friday, December 12, 2008

I've really enjoyed the readings of C.S. Lewis. Growing up I had the mentality that my God was powerful, my God was all knowing, but was my God really without struggle?

Growing up, I was taught that God was constantly in battle with Satan. I came to believe that Satan was an evil that was equal to God's holiness. I've come to believe in my later years, that God has no equal. God is the one with the plan and that everything will be alright in the end, because God is the most powerful and because he is the all knowing. I've really enjoyed reading these books, because they focus on God's struggles, but not of power. They show that God struggles to return us back to the flock. He loves us so much, that He struggles and fights for us, even when we turn away.

The books focus on our decision, but not once does it show that God is lacking. God chooses to allow us to make mistakes. There is a lot to look into, but what do you all think about God's struggle? I enjoy that it isn't portrayed in the way that I grew up with. How was God's struggle portrayed with you all?

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