Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Last...sigh...

My friends, the end has come, and since this is about a day and a half late, it's probably the last one to be posted. But I just wanted to say, for those still reading, that it's been a pleasure to read and sit and think with all of you. Anyway, back to the post:

So the very last chapter: Probably my favorite of the whole book. Here we see what happens when the patient dies and chooses to go with God. My favorite line is probably, "You die and die and then you are beyond death. How could I ever have doubted it?"

My only issue with this part and, well, the whole book, is that the angels and demons can't see each other until the very end of the human's life. Maybe that's far from the point, but we see examples in the Bible of angels and demons knowing each other's names and wrestling against each other over countries, or rulers, etc. And the whole book kind of alludes to the idea that one side can't see the other, but then at the very end, it's like everyone's eyes are opened, not just the human's. And somehow I don't know if I believe that humans have that kind of...I don't know... power?

It's obvious that I really liked this book if I had to stretch that far just to come up with something I didn't agree with. In fact, I'd say that this has definitely jumped up to one of my favorite books of all time. I've read it once before, but I was too young to get most of it. So this time actually felt like the first time, and wow, I was blown away. I must say that a lot of times (almost the entire book) I felt like Screwtape and Wormwood were discussing what to do with ME. I think me and that patient have a lot in common.

Anyway, thanks for a great semester and to whomever is still reading (probably just you, Dr. Jensen), I look forward to taking more classes with you in the future!



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